Jon Jugenheimer

Jon Jugenheimer
Based in Madison WI, I am foremost a climber. I enjoy most forms of climbing Rock, Ice and Alpinism, but not Bouldering-as it is just too hard. I first started rock climbing at Devils Lake in High school, although didn’t fall in love with the sport until I went ice climbing for my first time, somewhere around 2002. I made it up 15 feet of what I thought was extremely hard ice at the time, came back down and was so pumped I couldn’t untie my knot and was hooked for life. The very next day, I bought all my own ice gear and my life changed.

Since then I have climbed across the US, and in Canada, Patagonia, France, Thailand and Norway. Most of my extended trip are to ice climb and to go alpine climbing, as we have little of that around southern WI. I co-authored the ice climbing guide book for Munising Michigan and have put up a few FA’s across the Midwest on both rock and ice.

A few accomplishments:
-Gimme Shelter, Mt. Quadra, Canada WI 7-
-Whillans-Cochrane, Aguja Poincenot, Patagonia M4 5+ 70
-The Casual Route, Longs Peak, Colorado IV 5.10a
-North Face, Mount Edith Cavell, Canada IV 5.7
-Cathedral Traverse, Tetons V 5.8
-Direct South Buttress, Mt. Moran V 5.8 A1
-Frendo Spur, Aiguille du Midi, Chamonix D 5c III
-Stool Pigeon, Devil’s Lake 5.11b R
-10% Real, Orient Bay, Canada WI5
-HMR, Pictured Rocks Nat. Lakeshore, MI WI5

Goals-While I am not one to pre-spray (except to my friends) I have a few trips scheduled this year, two to Canada in the summer months and one to Switzerland in the fall. Wish me luck for good pre trip training, good weather and logistics while I am there and for plenty of Mike’s Mix post climb recovery for when I get back down!