There is plenty of room for alterations with this recipe. I have added chocolate chips (kid approved) and fruit (Mike approved, although you may need to microwave a little longer if using frozen fruit). You can also change this from a sweet muffin to one with more substance by adding meats and cheeses instead of honey and cinnamon.
- 1/4 cup Mike's Mix Ground Flaxseed
- 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
- 1 tsp Cinnamon
- 1 tbsp Mike's Mix Pure Honey Powder*
- 1 Egg
- 1 tsp Olive Oil
- Mix all ingredients in a coffee mug**
- Microwave on high for one minute
- Eat an enjoy!
*You can substitute other sweeteners instead of using honey, or can remove all together.
**I found that using a wide mouth mug (as pictured) worked the best. If you use a regular coffee mug, you may need to increase microwave time to 1:30 minutes.